Overall, most of my stuff is going great, but this table seems to error more than any other. Any tips on how to slow it down or optimize it?
"level": "error",
"module": "gcp-src",
"client": "project:redact-infra-cost",
"error": "rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Policy Read Requests' and limit 'Policy Read Requests per minute' of service 'iam.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:redact'.\nerror details: name = ErrorInfo reason = RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED domain = googleapis.com metadata = map[consumer:projects/redact quota_limit:ReadPolicyRequestsPerMinutePerCredentialProject quota_limit_value:10 quota_location:global quota_metric:iam.googleapis.com/read_policies/per_credential service:iam.googleapis.com]\nerror details: name = Help desc = Request a higher quota limit. url = https://cloud.google.com/docs/quota#requesting_higher_quota",
"message": "table resolver finished with error",
"table": "gcp_iam_deny_policies",
"time": "2024-03-01T00:00:17Z"
My config is:
kind: source
# Source spec section
name: "gcp"
path: "cloudquery/gcp"
registry: "cloudquery"
version: "v11.0.2"
- bq
- gcp_projects
- gcp_iam*
project_filter: "NOT id:sys-*"
For context, without the project_filter
, our GCP is pretty thicc:
➜ ~ gcloud projects list | wc -l