Error 429 Too Many Requests with CloudQuery Azure Storage configuration

I have played around with the spec.concurrency and scheduler: "round-robin", but I still can’t pass this error 429:

ERR table resolver finished with error error="GET\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRESPONSE 429: 429 Too Many Requests\nERROR CODE: TooManyRequests\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n{\n  \"error\": {\n    \"code\": \"TooManyRequests\",\n    \"message\": \"The request is being throttled as the limit has been reached for operation type - List_ObservationWindow_00:05:00. For more information, see -\"\n  }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" client=subscriptions/xxx module=azure-src table=azure_storage_containers

I read the mentioned document, Azure Subscription Service Limits. I do see the list limits on storage accounts: only 100 per 5 minutes.

Storage account management operations (list)  - 100 per 5 minutes

How can I adjust the source configuration to pass this issue?

Hi @calm-walrus,

I’m currently working on exposing the Azure Go SDK settings so one could configure the retries.

You can subscribe to this issue.

I’ll close that issue once the fix is done.

Yes, that’s the same issue, thanks.
@erez I saw this issue has been closed with a PR merged.

What’s the meaning?

Do I need to install a new version of cloudquery command line?

I’ll release a new Azure plugin version in a bit for you to try: this one.

ic. Sure. I’ll wait for it.


I have switched to use the latest Azure azure@v10.1.0, but I still got a lot of 429 errors.

RESPONSE 429: 429 Too Many Requests

Hi @calm-walrus, have you tried changing the default retry options? See this link.

I would try a very high max_retry_delay_seconds for starters and also set max_retries and retry_delay_seconds to a higher value than the defaults.

let me try

  max_retries: 5
  try_timeout_seconds: 0
  retry_delay_seconds: 60
  max_retry_delay_seconds: 300