I’m using Azure v9.3.0. I see in the logs that I get a lot of errors when trying to ListKeys - as I don’t have the permission to Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action. This is expected as I only have the Reader Role.
Was wondering which table is in charge of this request? I want to skip it.
What tables are you trying to fetch? Can you share your config YAML file (without sensitive details)? Also, please share the contents of your cloudquery.log file.
I don’t have access to all the log, but here are some lines that caught my eye:
2023-10-10T12:13:39Z ERR table resolver finished with error error="POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/43e6231a-e00b-46fa-9d7b-aeb81c00b10d/resourceGroups/managed-rg-MSC-HQ-PROD/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/scanwesteuropeejpsraj/listKeys\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRESPONSE 403: 403 Forbidden\nERROR CODE: AuthorizationFailed\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n{\n \"error\": {\n \"code\": \"AuthorizationFailed\",\n \"message\": \"The client 'c2472919-ac4c-4d65-997b-0e03b27252c1' with object id 'c2472919-ac4c-4d65-997b-0e03b27252c1' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action' over scope '/subscriptions/43e6231a-e00b-46fa-9d7b-aeb81c00b10d/resourceGroups/managed-rg-MSC-HQ-PROD/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/scanwesteuropeejpsraj' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.\"\n }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" client=subscriptions/43e6231a-e00b-46fa-9d7b-aeb81c00b10d module=azure-src table=azure_storage_queue_acl
My bad! I now see that it is the table azure_storage_queue_acl which is making the request.
But now that I’m looking at the logs (using Logz.io), I can see that I have about 300 errors all with the same request:
POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/43e6231a-e00b-46fa-9d7b-aeb81c00b10d/resourceGroups/managed-rg-MSC-HQ-PROD/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/scanwesteuropeejpsraj/listKeys
Yes, all calls to that particular asset result in an error.
It seems weird that CloudQuery is making more requests to the same resource even though it received a RESPONSE 403.
By the way, I see 2994 times the same requests with the same error now.
I’m uploading here a part of the log:
[Insert log part here]
If you search for this POST request I sent earlier, you will see it 2994 times.