Error 403 when using Compute Engine API in project sys-redact

Any idea what I’m doing wrong here?

{"level":"error","module":"cli","client":"project:sys-redact","error":"googleapi: Error 403: Compute Engine API has not been used in project sys-redact before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.","message":"table resolver finished with error","module":"gcp-src","table":"gcp_compute_instances","time":"2023-12-14T15:40:50Z"}

Even with:

  - gcp_projects
  - gcp_iam*
  - gcp_compute_instances
  project_filter: "NOT name:sys-*"

Not sure why it’s hitting sys-redact.

Is sys-redact the project name or ID?

If it’s the ID, can you try

project_filter: "NOT id:sys-*"

Guessing ID, link is
That was it. Thanks!

Great, according to the docs, the field name filters the displayName.

Cloud Resource Manager API - Projects: Search