Understanding new login process and plugin download rate limits for CloudQuery upgrade

Hey CQ team,

I’ve been running CQ as a Kubernetes cron for a couple of years now and am finally getting around to upgrading, and wow, I think there’s a massive amount of changes. I’m currently at CLI 2.0.23 and AWS plugin 7.2.3, haha, so I’m waaaaaaayyyyy behind! :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyways, I’m probably just going to redeploy from scratch. That said, I’m trying to understand the login component of the CLI that now exists. I’m fine with creating a login and generating API keys, etc., but just so I understand: If my process is essentially to build my CQ container that includes the CQ CLI and run the cloudquery sync command in that pod/container via a Kubernetes cron job several times a day – in this scenario, I’m not in danger of hitting any plugin download rate limits, correct?

Hey, yes that’s correct - you shouldn’t hit any rate limits as long as you use the API key. One thing to note is that AWS moved to open-core, but as long as you use the base tables, you should be good to go without needing to do anything additional or enter payment.

So just to clarify, login is absolutely required before I sync?

For AWS, it is not required yet, but it will be as we are in the process of rolling out. Our recommendation is to do that now, as this will save time later on when you upgrade to the AWS version that will require login.