CloudQuery logs proxy connection errors incorrectly formatted and repeated


I think there is some kind of bug in the log. I’m using a proxy server, and when CloudQuery tries to download the plugin and it can’t reach the proxy (e.g., connection refused), I see the following logs:

{"level":"info","module":"cli","args":["azure.yml","file.yml"],"time":"2023-10-24T08:55:40Z","message":"Loading spec(s)"}
Error: failed to get plugin url: failed to get url Head "": proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp connect: connection refused
{"level":"error","module":"cli","error":"failed to get plugin url: failed to get url Head \"\": proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp connect: connection refused","time":"2023-10-24T08:55:40Z","message":"exiting with error"}

The command line used to run CloudQuery is:

https_proxy=localhost:8080 ./cloudquery --log-console sync --no-migrate azure.yml file.yml --log-format json

As you can see from the log, the second line is printed without JSON format and printed again in the third log line.

Hi @thorough-bear, can you open a bug report for it here: GitHub Issue?

Duplicated log error is breaking JSON format of the log.