Error retrieving plugin URL for CloudQuery Postgres to BigQuery transfer

Hi there! I started using the CLI to move data from Postgres into BigQuery, and now I am getting errors like this:

Error: failed to get plugin url for source cloudquery/postgresql@v3.0.7: unexpected status code 500

Is this something I am doing?
(I did run cloudquery login as well.)


Looking into it now.
Can you try using v4.0.0 of the Postgres Source plugin?

Yea, same thing:

cloudquery sync rep.yaml bq.yaml
Loading spec(s) from rep.yaml, bq.yaml
Error: failed to get plugin url for source cloudquery/postgresql@v4.0.0: unexpected status code 500

This is my YAML:

kind: source
  name: "postgresql"
  path: "cloudquery/postgresql"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v4.0.0"
  tables: ["*"]
    connection_string: "secretsecret"
  destinations: ["bigquery"]

Weird that it worked last week.

Yeah, which login mechanism are you trying to use? Email/Password or using Google OAuth?

I’m using the gcloud auth in the CLI.

Sorry, how are you logging in when you run cloudquery login?

Ah, I see what you mean. I was using Google Auth.

We think we have identified the issue and are working on deploying a fix now. When it is deployed, would you be able to verify it?

Can you run cloudquery logout then log back in with cloudquery login?

ok that worked, but I’m getting this message now:

Your current team is not set.

Teams available to you:

To set your current team, run `cloudquery switch <team>`

CLI successfully authenticated.

then when I run my sync I get:

cloudquery sync rep.yaml bq.yaml
Loading spec(s) from rep.yaml, bq.yaml
Error: failed to sync v3 source postgresql: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to init plugin: failed to initialize client: failed to initialize usage client: failed to get team name from config: failed to read config file: open /Users/anthonydoran/Library/Application Support/cloudquery/config.json: no such file or directory

Interesting… I will look into that and get back to you.

The issue here that you have found is that upon initial login, there is no team that users are a part of. We are currently working on fixing this issue, but in the meantime, you can go to to create a team, which will then enable you to use the PostgreSQL source plugin.

Sweet! That sorted me out. Thanks so much!