Hello Team,
I have just started with CloudQuery. It is a very nice tool created. Thanks for doing a good job.
I wrote a code to fetch the GitHub users’ keys by using the ListKeys
GitHub API.
My question: from the meta client, I am not able to fetch the relevant information. I am not able to understand what I am missing in my code piece. Below is the basic code snippet, which itself is creating the problem.
c := meta.(*client.Client)
return fmt.Errorf("fetchKeys org: %s repo: %s", c.Org, *c.Repository.Name)
I ran it locally via go run main.go serve
ERR table resolver finished with panic error="invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" client=org: module=github-source stack="runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference\ngoroutine 50 [running]:\nruntime/debug.Stack()\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x5e\ngithub.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4/scheduler.(*syncClient).resolveTableDfs.func1.1()\n\t/Users/apple/Documents/go/pkg/mod/github.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4@v4.34.2/scheduler/scheduler_dfs.go:92 +0x66\npanic({0x8d23340?, 0x9a938e0?})\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:770 +0x132\ngithub.com/cloudquery/cloudquery/plugins/source/github/resources/services/users.fetchKeys({0x0?, 0x0?}, {0x8f437c0?, 0xc000b1c6e0}, 0x866a525?, 0x8669933?)\n\t/Users/apple/Documents/Abhishek/cloudquery/plugins/source/github/resources/services/users/users.go:24 +0x6d\ngithub.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4/scheduler.(*syncClient).resolveTableDfs.func1()\n\t/Users/apple/Documents/go/pkg/mod/github.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4@v4.34.2/scheduler/scheduler_dfs.go:102 +0xc5\ncreated by github.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4/scheduler.(*syncClient).resolveTableDfs in goroutine 16\n\t/Users/apple/Documents/go/pkg/mod/github.com/cloudquery/plugin-sdk/v4@v4.34.2/scheduler/scheduler_dfs.go:89 +0x7e8\n" table=github_users_keys
March 21, 2024, 10:20am
Hi @rich-lion , can you show us what the code around services/users/users.go:24
looks like?
Pasted line is line 24
package users
import (
func Keys() *schema.Table {
return &schema.Table{
Name: "github_users_keys",
Resolver: fetchKeys,
Transform: client.TransformWithStruct(&github.User{}, transformers.WithPrimaryKeys("ID")),
//Transform: client.TransformWithStruct(&github.User{}),
func fetchKeys(ctx context.Context, meta schema.ClientMeta, _ *schema.Resource, res chan<- any) error {
c := meta.(*client.Client)
return fmt.Errorf("fetchKeys org: %s repo: %s", c.Org, *c.Repository.Name)
Other tables which are part of the official code are working fine.
Line #24:
return fmt.Errorf("fetchKeys org: %s repo: %s", c.Org, *c.Repository.Name)
March 21, 2024, 10:25am
Hi @rich-lion ,
If you’re trying to access c.Repository.Name
, you might need to define the repository multiplexer. Let me share some code with you one sec.
Multiplex: client.OrgRepositoryMultiplex,
March 21, 2024, 10:26am
Link to workflows.go
When the plugin initializes, it sets up the orgs and repositories, but the resource/table needs to define if it needs them in the fetch function. For example, installations
only needs orgs.
Link to installations.go
By defining Multiplex: client.OrgRepositoryMultiplex
, you’re telling the SDK to run the fetch for each repository in each org.
Thanks a lot. Great help.
I am banging my head for the last many hours.
NOW, I am able to sync the table from GitHub.
Thanks a lot once again. Awesome!!!
One more question. How do I print logs if I want to debug the issue like:
c.Logger().Printf("Username: %s", user.String())
var username string
user, _, err := c.Github.Users.Get(ctx, username)
if err != nil {
c.Logger().Printf("fetchKeys error: %s", err)
c.Logger().Printf("Username: %s", user.String())
Where will this Username get printed?
I am not able to see it in cloudquery.log
and also not on the server.
March 21, 2024, 10:35am
If you run locally via go run main.go serve
, it will show in the plugin process’s stdout. If you compile as a binary and point CloudQuery to it using registry:local
and path: </path/to/binary>
, it will show in cloudquery.log
I am running as go run main.go serve
, but I am not able to see logs from c.Logger().Printf("Username: %s", user.String())
on the stdout.
Do I need to enable some log level or some option?
March 21, 2024, 10:40am
Oh, yes, Printf()
prints to debug level Zerolog Logger Printf , so you will need to have that level enabled in the plugin with --log-level debug
Great. Let me try. Thanks a lot.
Plugin invocation:
cloudquery sync config_local.yml --log-level debug
go run main.go serve
Not able to get the logs on the stdout
March 21, 2024, 11:00am
You need to add --log-level
to the plugin process, so it would be
go run main.go serve --log-level debug
Since you’re running the plugin as its own process, the CloudQuery CLI doesn’t control its output.
Thanks a lot. Makes sense.
@rich-lion Can you share the code? I also want to fetch the same.
March 22, 2024, 4:01pm
Hi @rich-lion , are you planning to submit a PR with your changes? I’m asking since we have this issue open, and it makes a good first issue.
@erez Sure. I will refine the code and add test cases and then will raise.