Missing IAM policy for aws_kafka_clusters table in CloudQuery

I’m not seeing the IAM policy as a property for the aws_kafka_clusters table or a child table that would store it. Am I missing it, or is that a property that isn’t currently captured? Following the pattern used for KMS keys, I’d expect to see an aws_kafka_cluster_policies table.

It’s not a part of the DescribeClusterV2 response, so it’s not included. Have you checked the aws_iam_policies table against the cluster arn?

Hey @kemal, thanks for the response. Yes, it’s not in aws_iam_policies. It’s a follow-up API call: Clusters - Get cluster policy.

Just given how the policy document has been saved for other resources (e.g., KMS, S3, Organizations, etc.), I assumed you’d save it in another table.

Oh, ok. Could you open an issue for it here? https://github.com/cloudquery/cloudquery/issues/new?assignees=&labels=kind%2Ffeat%2Carea%2Fnew-resource&projects=&template=new_resource.yml&title=feat%3A+Add+%3Cresource-name%3E+to+%3Cplugin-name%3E+source+plugin