Missing aws_iam_policy_versions table in CloudQuery with AWS 23.1.0

I’m running into a weird one.
I’m running AWS 23.1.0, but I don’t see an aws_iam_policy_versions table even though it’s listed here.

However, it doesn’t show up when I run tables:

✗ cat config/config.yml | yq '.[] | select(.name == "aws") | .tables'
- aws_*
✗ docker run -v $(pwd)/config:/config ghcr.io/cloudquery/cloudquery:latest tables /config/config.yml --output-dir /config
Loading spec(s) from /config/config.yml
Downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/cq-cloud-releases/cloudquery/source/aws/v23.1.0/linux_amd64
Downloading 100% |████████████████████████████████| (61/61 MB, 18 MB/s)
Generating docs for "aws" to directory "/config/aws"
Done generating docs for "aws" to directory "/config/aws"
✗ cat config/aws/__tables.json | jq '.[].name' | grep aws_iam_policy_versions

Hi @pretty-wolf,

It’s a relational table, so you won’t see it using the jq query, as that query only looks up top-level tables in the JSON. You can use the following command to check for relations:

cat config/aws/__tables.json | jq '.[].relations' | grep aws_iam_policy_versions

This will show it.

this is just more reasoning to move straight to BigQuery (which I’m doing now after multiple gotchas like this).