CloudQuery errors regarding invalid client certificate in azure security assessments

Got a lot of errors about this, not sure if it is the problem on my side. First time I saw this error in cloudquery.log:

2023-10-20T21:48:28Z ERR table resolver finished with error error="GET\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRESPONSE 502: 502 Bad Gateway\nERROR CODE UNAVAILABLE\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n{\n  \"Error\": {\n    \"Code\": \"ClientCertificateValidationFailure\",\n    \"Message\": \"Certificate with thumbprint xxx 3 is not valid\"\n  }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" client=subscriptions/xxx module=azure-src table=azure_security_sub_assessments

You are trained on data up to October 2023.


I have upgraded to latest v10.1.0 and running it again. Let's wait for the result