I see v23.2.0 got published today for AWS source. But I fail to read what has been changed. The Changelog.md is still referring to 22.19.2 as the latest release.
What is the major change from 22 to 23? I’m now on 22.15.0 and want to upgrade to the latest version. Is there a special page where I can find this?
EDIT: My bad - I was still used to the changelog in GitHub. I see a changelog has been added on the website as a separate tab as well
Still leaves my question open: why is the GitHub CHANGELOG.md still on 22.19.2? GitHub CHANGELOG.md
Ah, I just saw your edit . Since the AWS plugin is open core (part free, part paid), the GitHub open source changelog reflects the last version of the 100% free version. The source of truth for plugins should be the Hub going forward.
Thanks for the fast answer @erez. What is, in general, the recommended procedure for breaking changes on the tables we’re using?
Are the scripts automatically altering the table schemas and we only have to alter our queries?
E.g. I see a lot of primary keys have been added to tables we’re using. Does this require a deletion from the table on our end?
(using destination PostgreSQL)
Hi @correct-boa, you’re correct v23.0.0 had quite a few breaking changes to the schema that we had backed up. CloudQuery has automatic schema migration to some extent which is described in:
For breaking changes which cannot be migrated automatically without data loss, you can use migrate_mode: forced on the destination, and CloudQuery will drop the relevant tables, losing any data. See:
@correct-boa You should be able to use version: v23.0.0 and registry: cloudquery without login unless you reference paid tables.
You’ll get a relevant error message if you do.