Failed to sync AWS pricing table to PostgreSQL database

Hi <@&873653355623370752> Team,

I am trying to sync the AWS pricing table to my PostgreSQL database, but it’s failing with the following errors. Can you help me with this?

rajugupta@dell:~$ ./cloudquery sync /home/rajugupta/cloudquery-config/
Loading spec(s) from /home/rajugupta/cloudquery-config/
Starting sync for: aws (cloudquery/aws@v25.4.0) -> [postgresql (cloudquery/postgresql@v7.6.0)]
Sync completed successfully. Resources: 8, Errors: 0, Warnings: 0, Time: 8s
Starting sync for: awspricing (cloudquery/awspricing@v3.1.0) -> [postgresql (cloudquery/postgresql@v7.6.0)]
/ Syncing resources... (518170/-, 195 resources/s) [18m46s] 
**source plugin process failed with signal: killed**
Error: failed to sync v3 source awspricing: unexpected error from sync client receive: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = error reading from server: read unix @->/tmp/cq-uuWWtKTlgJTRxMzg.sock: read: connection reset by peer**

Hi @eager-sponge,

This error is most likely due to the process running out of memory. How much memory does it have available?

You can try and reduce the concurrency setting for awspricing to something lower so that it will use less memory.