Looking for expert advice. Encountered the following error while executing the CloudQuery.
Starting sync for: aws (cloudquery/aws@v25.2.2) -> [postgresql (cloudquery/postgresql@v7.5.0)]
\ Syncing resources... (14986/-, 2592 resources/s) [7s] Error: failed to sync v3 source aws: write client returned error (insert): plugin returned error: failed to execute batch with pgerror: severity: ERROR, code: 23505, message: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "aws_rds_cluster_parameters__cq_id_key", detail :Key (_cq_id)=(18a0defe-17f3-54d9-a43f-7850a77ee1c5) already exists., hint: , position: 0, internal_position: 0, internal_query: , where: , schema_name: public, table_name: aws_rds_cluster_parameters, column_name: , data_type_name: , constraint_name: aws_rds_cluster_parameters__cq_id_key, file: nbtinsert.c, line: 671, routine: _bt_check_unique: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "aws_rds_cluster_parameters__cq_id_key" (SQLSTATE 23505)
Here’s my config:
kind: source
name: aws
path: cloudquery/aws
version: "v25.2.2"
tables: ["*"]
destinations: ["postgresql"]
table_name: "cq_aws_state"
connection: "@@plugins.postgresql.connection"
skip_dependent_tables: true
deterministic_cq_id: false
aws_debug: false
- id: "account1"
local_profile: "account1"
- id: "account2"
local_profile: "account2"
kind: destination
name: postgresql
path: cloudquery/postgresql
version: "v7.5.0"
migrate_mode: forced
write_mode: "append"
connection_string: "postgresql://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable"