Confusion about limited selection of gcp iam roles in cloudquery

Hey! I’m a bit confused about the gcp_iam_roles table in GCP. My config is:

  # Source spec section
  name: "gcp"
  path: "cloudquery/gcp"
  registry: "cloudquery"
  version: "v11.0.2"
    - bq
    - gcp_projects
    - gcp_iam*
    project_filter: "NOT id:sys-*"

But I only see a limited selection of GCP roles vs what I’d expect. Am I missing something?

SS is a limited selection, but there’s a ton of roles that match %bigquery% that just don’t show up at all. I thought this might be an issue with case sensitivity, but using lower(name) like '%bigquery%' pulls in more, but not all. For example, the default role roles/bigquery.dataViewer still does not show up.

Looking into this now.
What happens if you remove the distinct(name)?

Lots of dupes because of multiple runs.

I can see the issue; currently, we are only pulling in project level custom roles.

Is there a way to collect all? We use quite a lot of the default ones.

Working on figuring that out now!

I found this:
Any updates or tickets I can follow?

This was merged yesterday: #17205

Just saw v12.1.0, looking into upgrading under the trial :tada: