Issue with adding dependent tables in CloudQuery

is there any way you can share the config in a code block (with triple ticks ```)?

I’d just like to check that the concurrency setting is on the same indentation level as the org setting, otherwise it won’t have any effect. I’m surprised it has no effect; we can also try to make it even lower, maybe 5?

Ok, I made it to the value equal to 1, but still no improvements.

Why is the org in CloudQuery? I think it should be the name of the organization that your app is installed in. Not sure if that might be causing it to not use the app authentication.

but yes, the concurrency setting looks correct. :+1: Strange that it isn’t having an effect.

The issue is mainly for dependent tables. Let me know if there is any solution for this.

I have an idea for something we can try as a fix, and will open a PR shortly.

Sure, let me know if the fix is ready.

Actually, it looks like my idea of setting single resource max concurrency won’t help; it was already the default. We will need to look into this some more.

let me know if it gets solved